Are you interested in caring for and educating Maryland’s children? Have you ever wanted to be your own boss and business owner? Then consider a career in early care and education as a family child care provider.

These programs, operated within your home, provide families with a nurturing and intimate setting which is developmentally appropriate for the care and education of young children. Data shows that in some communities in Maryland, this is the most readily accessible and affordable option available to families. However, over the last decade the number of family child care providers closing their doors far outnumbers those who are opening new programs. This decline is having a negative impact on the options available to families when selecting care to meet their needs.

Growing Opportunities for Family Child Care (GOFCC) is a unique program started in Montgomery County which provides intense and targeted training, coaching, and resources to support interested individuals in opening a family child care business. GOFCC guides potential providers through the licensing process while supporting them in building a strong business foundation and high quality child care program. Participation is free and includes all of the required training, access to knowledgeable coaches, and a variety of resources which will support you in opening and operating your child care business.

GOFCC has expanded and is available in Allegany, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Caroline County, Carroll County, Cecil County, Dorchester County, Frederick County, Garrett County, Harford County, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Washington County, and, Wicomico County. The following child care resource centers are currently forming GOFCC cohorts:

If you do not see your local Child Care Resource Center listed above, you may contact your local Child Care Resource Center here.  

To apply to be a part of the GOFCC program in your county, please complete our application form found here

Email us with any additional questions.

Maryland Family Network, as the state coordinating entity of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network, receives funding from the Maryland State Department of Education and support from public and private partnerships.

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