The mission of Maryland Family Network (MFN) is to ensure that very young children have strong families, quality early learning environments, and a champion for their interests. We work in collaboration with public and private funders, community-based organizations, parents, and other individuals and agencies to support those who care for young children as families strive to reach their goals. Through two-generation programs that support parents to become economically self-sufficient, raise healthy, successful children, and find quality child care; through regional services that help child care professionals improve their practice; and through public policy advocacy of programs and policies that benefit families with young children, MFN strives to ensure that all Maryland children are cared for by adults who are skilled to raise them in environments that are conducive to growth and development.



The mission of Maryland Family Network (MFN) is to ensure that very young children have strong families, quality early learning environments, and a champion for their interests. We work in collaboration with public and private funders, community-based organizations, parents, and other individuals and agencies to support those who care for young children as families strive to reach their goals. Through two-generation programs that support parents to become economically self-sufficient, raise healthy, successful children, and find quality child care; through regional services that help child care professionals improve their practice; and through public policy advocacy of programs and policies that benefit families with young children, MFN strives to ensure that all Maryland children are cared for by adults who are skilled to raise them in environments that are conducive to growth and development.

