Mission: Maryland Family Network ensures that young children have strong families, quality learning environments, and a champion for their interests.
“The highest rate of return in early childhood development comes from investing as early as possible, from birth through age five, in disadvantaged families.” —James J. Heckman, Nobel Memorial Prize winner in Economics.
"Please think of the children first. If you ever have anything to do with their entertainment, their food, their toys, their custody, their childcare, their health care, their education – listen to the children, learn about them, learn from them. Think of the children first." –Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers Neighborhood
In one of the wealthiest states in the U.S., less than half the children enter kindergarten ready to learn. As a result, they are very likely to be playing catch-up with their peers for the rest of their lives.
Research and practice show us how to make sure all children–regardless of race, class, language, disability, or neighborhood–grow up ready to succeed. Like many states, Maryland has all of the necessary elements, but they are fragmented, not to scale, and of varying quality.
By interweaving home visiting, quality child care, and family support –while developing the birth-to-five workforce –Maryland Family Network is working to make our state the nation’s leader in early care and education. We provide funding, quality assurance services, and expertise to local networks of parents, child care providers, community-based organizations, political decision makers, and business and government leaders. These partnerships help with local system design decisions and to foster public will to sustain and replicate success.
Neuroscience tells us that the early years are the foundation for everything that comes after. Economics has shown that investment in quality early care and education returns huge dividends to us all. Let’s make a change.
Studies Show The Importance Of The First Five Years
Researchers and child development experts have studied the First Five Years and the benefits of investing in families with very young children.
Maryland Family Network's Families
Success stories of Maryland Family Network’s families.

2024 Child Care Demographics
Maryland Family Network’s 2024 Child Care Demographics report breaks down statewide information about demand, supply, and cost of child care in Maryland.
Trends in Child Care PDF
This publication provides a summary of the critical components (demand, supply, and cost) of child care from 2018-2027.
Counting Our Losses
This publication looks at the overwhelming loss to the Maryland economy as result of the State’s inadequate child care system. It lays out the tremendous cost to working families, the state’s tax base, and business’ bottom lines.

CCRC Results-Based Accountability System 2021 Report PDF
Every community in Maryland is served by one of twelve regional Child Care Resource Centers (CCRCs) which make up the Maryland Child Care Resource Network. This network provides leadership and services designed to improve the quality, availability, and affordability of child care in communities across the state.

LOCATE: Child Care Quarterly Report
The Maryland Child Care Resource Network (MCCRN), a project of the Maryland Family Network, is a public/private partnership designed to expand and improve child care delivery across the state. MCCRN works to improve the quality of early educational opportunities, to increase the availability of child care throughout Maryland. The data provided in this report is to help parents identify child care programs for their families, and to assist employers in developing work/family policies.

The ABCs of Early Childhood
Whether you’re a parent, policymaker, member of the media, or concerned citizen, we hope you’ll find the ABCs of Early Childhood helpful. The six sections focus on important topic areas, each with a one page overview, followed by greater detail.