What’s the deal with hiccups? According to a new study, it just might be babies practicing their breathing. Listen now to learn more.
Bonding with your newborn doesn’t always come naturally to new moms. For some it is instantaneous, while for others the process takes time. This has nothing to do with your ability to parent. Instead, it has to do with the seismic transition that women go through when becoming mothers. And, it’s quite normal.
Women's experiences of postnatal distress: a qualitative study (BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth)
Parenting feels like a state of constant fatigue -- over-exhausted, over-worked, and over-stretched in both your personal and parenting obligations. It is hard to schedule time for self-care when more than half of all married couples with children have two parents working full time in America. But self-care is vitally important, for both parent and child.
Parenting can burn more than 50,000 calories per month. Who knew having a baby would also provide you with your very own personal trainer? Learn more.
How many calories are burnt by parenting (Wren Kitchens)
It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. It can also feel like it takes a village to install a child’s car seat correctly. There’s a lot more to car seats than meets the eye, and knowing what to look for and how to use them as instructed can literally save lives. Here are some important things to keep in mind.
The 5 worst car seat mistakes parents are making (Washington Post)
Welcome to Kids in Safety Seats! (KISS) (Maryland Dept. of Health)
New research from Vanderbilt University shows very young children may be captivated by screens, but they are not able to learn from them. When it comes to learning, that time is better spent talking to your child.
Toddler brains resist learning from screens, even video chat (Vanderbilt University)
Research from Johns Hopkins University finds that babies may be able to count...sort of. Even though they can’t yet say words like one, two, or three, the babies studied seemed to understand that counting indicates quantity.
Moms, you are enough. Don’t let the internet tell you any different. Listen now to learn more.
7 things I'm done comparing myself to other mothers about (Motherly)
The Comparison Trap (Psychology Today)
A panel of scientists recently released new nutritional guidelines for children. According to these guidelines, for the first five years children should avoid sugary drinks and consume primarily milk and water instead. Listen now and drink up the knowledge!
The U.S. has the largest population of incarcerated people in the whole world. Accordingly, there are approximately five million children in the U.S. who have a parent in jail, prison, or on parole. When a person is imprisoned the impact is vast; it is felt by their family, their community, and, sadly, their children.
Effects of Parental Incarceration on Young Children (U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services)