Little brains learn best when they are active. That’s why nature makes such a great classroom.
Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature (Child Mind Institute)
Self-restraint is hard. So why expect a toddler to have mastered the art of self-control?
Help Your Child Develop Self-Control (Zero to Three)
Despite being behind bars and often separated by many miles, young children and their parents still need each other when the adult is incarcerated.
The Right Investment? Corrections Spending in Baltimore City (Prison Policy Initiative)
Little Children, Big Challenges: Incarceration (Sesame Street)
Children and Families Affected by Incarceration (Governor’s Office for Children)
Pre-K helps a child learn and succeed socially and economically. New findings suggest that when young children have access to early care and education, their health outcomes are good, too!
Here is some news that will expand your mind. For years it was thought that a newborn’s brain makes 700 to 1,000 new neural connections per second. It’s actually more. A lot more.
The price of high-quality child care is through the roof. But what is the price of not helping our children get a strong start?
Child Care Subsidy Program (Maryland Family Network)
MFN Written Testimony (Includes testimony regarding Child Care Subsidy) (Maryland Family Network)
Where do you see your child in 10 years? 25 years? How about 50 years from now? If they have access to quality early care and education, parents may be a little closer to being able to predict a child’s future.
Getting enough sleep is even more important to a child’s development than you might think. Rest assured getting that sleep is possible. Find out more.
Children and Sleep (National Sleep Foundation)
Food insecurity touches one in six children in our nation. It’s a problem that will affect them into adulthood.
Did you ever cram for an exam? It was probably not a successful way to learn. But babies are learning incredible amounts very quickly. Find out how!
Learning, Play, and Your Newborn (