We need your help

Maryland Family Network was formed in 2009 by the merger of Maryland Committee for Children and Friends of the Family.
Fifteen years later, we are orienting ourselves toward a vision for the next 5 years through a rigorous and thorough strategic plan, and we need your help.
Every person in Maryland – whether you’re a parent, child care provider, grandparent, or someone with no children at all – has a stake in the work that we do, and we need your input.
Please take a few minutes to complete our Strategic Planning Survey and let us know your priorities for child care in Maryland. Your guidance will help to guide the next five years of MFN’s work, and, really, will help us to best navigate the future of Maryland Family Network.
You can take the survey here, at bit.ly/mfnstratplan, and it should take about 10-15 minutes. Thank you in advance for your participation, it really means a lot to us, and to families all across Maryland.

Laura Weeldreyer is the Executive Director of Maryland Family Network. Over the course of her career, she has devoted herself to improving educational outcomes for students ranging from babies and their families all the way up to senior high school students who were getting ready to graduate. This blog is an opportunity for Laura to share her experience and expertise but also to learn from her readers.