Time To Care Act Introduced

On Thursday, January 28, Maryland Senator Antonio Hayes (Baltimore City) and Delegate Kris Valderrama (Prince George's County) introduced the Time to Care Act of 2020. They were joined by co-sponsors Sen. Sarah Elfreth and Del. Ariana Kelly at the James Senate Office Building for the press event to announce the introduction of the bill. Also speaking at the press conference were Jayson Williams, MFN Board Member and President & CEO of MD Strategic Consulting, who spoke about how beneficial paid family leave policies are to his small business. Dan Chudy, Art Director at MD Strategic Consulting, shared his personal story of taking advantage of the company's paid family leave benefit when he needed to help both of his parents who were diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's.
The Time to Care Act would provide workers with partial wage replacement for up to 12 weeks away from work to care for a new child, an ill or disabled family member, or their own serious health condition - life events that can heppen to any of us at any time. More details about Time to Care can be found at timetocare.net.